From MatterControl Manual
Revision as of 14:40, 19 February 2016 by MatterHackers (Talk | contribs)
processFile is the main function that does the work.
- preSetup - is called to set up data for the rest of the process
- prepareModel - is called to actually load the stl and turn it into slices
- SimpleModel.loadModelFromFile - (actually load the stl)
- Turn the model into volumes (part of the function body)
- cut the volumes up into layers (just the outline borders not the gcode paths)
- processSliceData - This is where the majority of the data about how to create the gcode paths is created
- writeGCode - Here the actual gcode is output to the gcode file. There is also some amount of path planning happening in this code.
- Raft.GenerateRaftGCodeIfRequired - Raft is created here
- addVolumeLayerToGCode -
- spiralize is figured out in the function