3D Printer Setup Wizard
The 3D Printer Setup Wizard guides the user through the process of configuring a printer profile for use with a 3D printer in MatterControl.
First screen
The list of 3D printer manufacturers for which profiles are available.
The list of models available from the currently-selected Make.
A field in which the user can specify a custom name for the printer in the current instance of MatterControl. The Make and Model populate this field by default.
Save & Continue
This button will appear when valid selections and entries have been made. Clicking will create the new printer configuration, and if MatterControl is signed in to a MatterHackers.com account, will associate the configuration with the account.
Exits the wizard without creating a new printer configuration.
Install Communication Driver
MatterControl will launch a separate installer (Infinstaller.exe) which may require administrative permissions.
Install Driver
Launches Infinstaller.exe and installs the drivers.
Proceed to the next step without installing drivers.
Exits the wizard without connecting to the printer.
Printer Connection
Manually Configure Connection / Manual Configuration
Proceed to the #Serial Ports screen.
Skip Connection Setup
Exits the wizard without connecting to the printer.
Proceed to the next step in the connection process.
Serial Ports
If the connection fails even when set to the correct serial port, you can try a different Baud Rate.