Configuring Print Leveling
Revision as of 11:32, 4 December 2015 by MatterHackers (Talk | contribs)
Revision as of 11:32, 4 December 2015 by MatterHackers (Talk | contribs)
Getting the bed set up if the z switch is on the bottom (z-min)
The goal of this process is to get the z-home position to be just touching the bed perfectly, then get the other parts of the bed to be just a bit higher.
- Home the printer on all axis
- Adjust the z-limit height (should be one on most every printer) until the extruder is just touching the bed when homed
- Release the motors so you can move the extruder around the bed
- Raise the extruder 1 mm in z
- Move the extruder to the other 3 points of the bed (not the x y home position)
- Mechanically raise the bed so that it is just touching the extruder at these other 3 positions.
- Your bed should now be at a very slight angle with the lowest point being in the home position.
Your bed should now be in a great state for automatic print leveling to work.