
SETTINGS/General/Speed/Speed for Infill/Raft

298 bytes added, 00:03, 19 December 2015
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{{Slice Settings
|Function textThe speed at which the layers of the raft (other than the first layer) are printed.|Parameters textMillimeters per second or percentage [of [[Slice_Settings/General/Speed/Speed_for_Infill/Infill|Infill speed]]]|
=== Parameter 1 mm/s ===
Caption for Example for Parameter 1In this example, the raft infill will print at 35 mm/s.}}
=== Parameter 2 % ===
Caption for In this example for Parameter 2, the raft infill will print at 75% of the Infill speed (which if you can make out the blurred text is set at 40), so the final result will be 30 mm/s.