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== Macro Scripting ==
Macro Scripting allows for the use of advanced functions in macros. These functions are called by using commands.
=== Syntax ===
To use a macro scripting command, begin the line with the following function:
<code>; Command:</code>
Then add a command and any applicable parameters.
<code>; Command:[command] "[parameters]"</code>
The result should look something like this:
<code>; Command:Message "Waiting for extruder to heat to [temperature]."</code>
=== Commands ===
Shows the given message (look at example). Optionall parameters; ExpectedSeconds:[time] ExpectedTemperature:[temp]
Shows the choose material window
Show the message (look at example) and wait for user to click ok to continue sending code.
=== Example Script ===
The following box shows an example of a script used for loading filament:
<pre>; Command:ChooseMaterial "Choose the material that you are loading."
; Command:Message "Waiting for extruder to heat to [temperature]."
M104 S[temperature] ; start heating up the extruder
M302 S0 ; Allow extrusion at any temperature
; Command:WaitOK "Put filament into extruder and click Continue."
; Command:Message "Loading filament..." ExpectedSeconds:28
G92 E0 ; reset the extruder position to 0
G91 ; Relative positioning
G1 E100 F1200 ; extrude the filament
G1 E100 F1200 ; extrude the filament
G1 E100 F1200 ; extrude the filament
G1 E100 F1200 ; extrude the filament
G1 E100 F1200 ; extrude the filament
G4 S1 ; wait for move to finish
M302 S150 ; Set cold extrude temp back to reasonable
; Command:Message "Waiting for extruder to heat to [temperature]."
M109 S[temperature] ; heat up the extruder
; Command:Message "Extruding filament..." ExpectedSeconds:19
; extrude slowly so that we can prime the extruder
G1 E100 F300 ; extrude the filament slowly
G4 S1 ; wait for move to finish
G90 ; Absolute positioning
G92 E0 ; reset the extruder position to 0
M104 S0 ; turn the extruder temperatuer off</pre>

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