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== Will MatterControl work with my printer? ==
This mainly depends on the language your printer speaks. Currently, MatterControl supports two languages for communicating with the printer; [G-Code](http://reprap.org/wiki/G-code) GCode] and [S3G/X3G](http://www.sailfishfirmware.com/doc/details-s3g-and-x3g.html)S3G/X3G]. G-Code GCode is the standard language used by RepRaps and most other printers. S3G is a condensed language used by Makerbot and Flashforge. In all likelihood, your printer speaks G-CodeMost consumer 3D printers speak GCode.
In addition, you will need appropriate slice settings for your printer. MatterControl has built in profiles for many printers. Here is the [complete list](http://www.mattercontrol.com/#jumpSupportedModels). If your printer is not on the list, don't worry. You will just need to fill in the settings yourself. Obtain specifications from the manufacturer and input them into MatterControl under `Settings & Controls -> Settings -> Printer` as well as a few under `Settings & Controls -> Settings -> Filament`.