
Start G-Code

2,373 bytes removed, 01:06, 21 January 2016
== Automatic GCode Added Before/After Start GCode == MatterSlice adds certain automatically generated code before and after your custom start GCode. This normally where your temperature settings would be applied. MatterSlice will wait for the bed to warm up first. Then begin warming the extruder, run your custom start GCode, then wait for the extruder to finish heating. If MatterSlice detects that you have any extruder heating commands (<code>M104</code>, <code>M109</code>) in your custom start GCde, it will remove these from the automatic GCode. Likewise for bed heating commands (<code>M140</code>, <code>M190</code>). Here are some examples of the automatic GCode: Before:  ; automatic settings before start_gcode G21 ; set units to millimeters M107 ; fan off M190 S95 ; wait for bed temperature to be reached M104 T0 S210 ; start heating extruder 1 T0 ; set the active extruder to 0 After:  ; automatic settings after start_gcode M109 T0 S210 ; wait for extruder 1 to reach temperature T0 ; set the active extruder to 0 G90 ; use absolute coordinates G92 E0 ; reset the expected extruder position M82 ; use absolute distance for extrusion == Variables == MatterSlice allows you to place certain tokens in your custom GCode that will automatically be replaced with the appropriate values. Here is an example: <code>M109 S#REDIRECT [temperature]</code> In this line, <code>[temperature]<Settings/code> will be replaced with the extruder temperature defined in your slice settings. These tokens can be enclosed in either square brackets <code>[]<Printer/code> or curly brackets <code>{}<Custom G-Code/code>, but for compatibility with other slicers we recommend square brackets. Here is the list of currently available tokens: ::<tt>temperature</tt><br>::<tt>bed_temperature</tt><br>::<tt>bed_remove_part_temperature</tt><br>::<tt>extruder_wipe_temperature</tt><br>::<tt>z_offset</tt><br>::<tt>retract_length</tt><br>::<tt>filament_diameter</tt><br>::<tt>first_layer_speed</tt><br>::<tt>infill_speed</tt><br>::<tt>max_fan_speed</tt><br>::<tt>min_fan_speed</tt><br>::<tt>min_print_speed</tt><br>::<tt>perimeter_speed</tt><br>::<tt>retract_speed</tt><br>::<tt>support_material_speed</tt><br>::<tt>travel_speed</tt><br>::<tt>bridge_fan_speed</tt><br>::<tt>bridge_speed</tt><br>::<tt>raft_print_speed</tt><br>::<tt>external_perimeter_speed</tt><br> [[Category:Slice SettingsStart G-Code]]